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Therapy can be very helpful for people experiencing difficulties or suffering from mental health challenges. The type and length of therapy depends on an individual's personal situation and insurance coverage. A clinical therapist can assist a person in managing their symptoms, thoughts, behaviors, stresses, goals, past experiences, and other areas to promote recovery. Sometimes talking with a therapist may be difficult, but it is effective in dealing with life’s problems. Therapy also offers an emotional release and a sense of being heard, understood, and supported.
Therapy is offered to individuals, families, couples, and groups.
Therapy can help an individual:
Types of Therapy:
There are many different types of evidence-based mental health therapies. Often, therapists blend different approaches to suit a person's needs. The following are a few common types of therapy provided:
Bridgeview partners with local school districts to co-locate licensed clinical therapists within a variety of schools throughout Clinton, Scott, and Jackson counties. Therapists provide the full spectrum of mental health therapy services and build partnerships with school personnel to effectively support children and families.
Licensed psychiatrists and nurse practitioners provide evaluation, diagnosis, and treatments to address mental health related challenges. Treatment may include prescription medication, counseling, and therapy services as well as other medical procedures and interventions.
Emergency services are crisis services which provide a focused assessment and rapid stabilization of acute symptoms of mental Illness or emotional distress and are available and accessible twenty-four hours a day. The clinical assessment and psychotherapeutic services are provided by a mental health professional and/or other staff who have access to a mental health professional for consultation. Emergency services are available by telephone and/or in the office setting.
Evaluation services include screening, diagnostic, and assessment services of individual or family functioning, needs, abilities and disabilities. Evaluation services determine one’s current status and functioning in the areas of living, learning, working, and socializing.
Community Support Services are designed to provide intervention and support to individuals who experience ongoing functional challenges related to their mental health. Services are provided in the community and are designed to address areas that negatively affect integration and stability to avoid the need for a higher level of care.
IPR services are designed to focus on improving personal capabilities while reducing harmful effects of psychiatric disabilities, resulting in an individual's recovery techniques and the ability to function well within society. Clients develop high levels of coping skills through self-discovery. Services are provided in natural settings where clients live, learn, work, and socialize. Some services are offered in cohorts ranging from two to six people in each cohort. The use of cohorts help develop socialization techniques from the viewpoint of others. Each client will be committed to being services for four to ten hours per week for approximately a one-year time frame. Person-to-person services are available.
Integrated Health Home services are those services provided to adults with serious mental Illness (SMI), and Medicaid coverage. Services are classified as whole person care. Whole person refers to physical health, mental health, and lifestyle choices that impact overall wellness. Services are provided by an Integrated Health Home Team which includes a nurse care manager, a care coordinator, and peer support specialists.
Integrated Health Home providers help with the following:
Community groups, agencies, families, and individuals may request educational information, use mental health resources, and seek service consultation to aid in planning, designing, coordinating, or improving programs and services. These help prevent the need for more intensive services, increase awareness for and the advantages of early intervention, and increase the quality of mental health in the community.